
Showing posts from July, 2020

Waiting on the shore until you arrive

Love Places where love has passed. All of these give us a few memories... Here a relationship begins in                                French Lofe with an ice cake An explosive moment to take a late breakfast with you Memorable McDonald's  Lunch at Besant Nagar Thalapa... The relationship between the sea and shore The sea and the wind are waiting for us                                                                                                           Let’s put our foot on the shore and wipe out the sea water a small Coffey conversation  Vehicular travel on the East Coast Road A little fruit juice along the way The relationship bet...

Feel Your Passion

Passion! The word would be epic.... In this Blog We are going to look at some ideas related to our Passion.     By this 2020 all people will have a cell phone. Today the world seems to be at the forefront of technology  People are still expecting a technological development ,Our world still expects a digital renaissance.In a world like this, it is a great thing for Human to love his own Passions. Technology has given him everything. If someone has an interest in car racing They will try.In this world people are playing video game in technology and getting completed in it.      Nowadays shooting in PUBG is more fun and fulfilling than shooting in the military. At this point How we are going to find out  our interests are coming from.     What is the passion ?       Passion  drives us,Will not stop us ...... ..Simple                 People are all well versed i...

The Rigorous Sector

Sales and marketing is one of the most important sectors. This is always a field that is essential for human work.Many of the jobs are shut down at any time in this Situation. This is because Employer do not require Back End works. But the market always had a way to make a profit..The market is always running a sales and marketing business. The company's demand is only focused on profits, so employers don't focus on other services in the company. At this time no one is offering a great service to the company.No employer wants to give money to a non-profit sector during this difficult time.The market is flowing somewhat without service.Vendor is a sector that most people don't like in India.But everyone's idea is to start a small business.Experience can be learned only when we first sell an item for inventory. If you have your own skills in your work. Simplify marketing and sales knowledge, which can be helpful later. Most big Dot's start their career in a sales man....


         Income planning is an important part of life.Employees in particular must handle it with care.They are the ones who are suffering from monthly installments and debt. The work you do is not permanent and we must plan accordingly. If a job is lost Be prepared to face that too.                Some candidates are just chilling themselves and they get refresher and searching a new job  People in India immediately look for another job if they lose their job.It really is not possible But all the people here need immediate work.Because the only reason is the Monthly Budget  For 80% of employees, the monthly budget is one of the most annoying Most of the employees there are on monthly payments. The solution is to reduce our consumption.We have to plan our existing budget.Even better if it's annual income...        When we join a company, they always give us a offer of annual income.We nev...