Income planning is an important part of life.Employees in particular must handle it with care.They are the ones who are suffering from monthly installments and debt.
The work you do is not permanent and we must plan accordingly.
If a job is lost Be prepared to face that too.
Some candidates are just chilling themselves and they get refresher and searching a new job
People in India immediately look for another job if they lose their job.It really is not possible
But all the people here need immediate work.Because the only reason is the Monthly Budget
For 80% of employees, the monthly budget is one of the most annoying Most of the employees there are on monthly payments.
The solution is to reduce our consumption.We have to plan our existing budget.Even better if it's annual income...
When we join a company, they always give us a offer of annual income.We never planned to have an annual income.If you look at it a little deeper you get a little more realization.It's a kind of backwards thinking.If that's what I'm saying.We think of a loan or a monthly installment Let's compare it to our annual income.That would be very correct.
Nowadays we want to buy one, we just decide to keep that monthly income. Doing so will greatly affect your savings for the year.
Proper planning is essential.
- Nelson Munna
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